Friday, April 20, 2012


Be a Lady or a Gentleman

Try the simple look! Formal pants and sweaters
Dear public relations practitioners we have been taught to be professional at all times, being professional does not only mean arriving to work at time and doing your work accordingly. Being professional also means looking the part; you cannot show up for work or an interview looking all funny or under dressed. I think that the way people dress says a lot about them, so you need to dress appropriately.

Here is a collection of what you should buy
You need to dress well not for the sake of looking good but for the sake of the client, how a client can trust someone who is wearing baggy jeans or a top that is just too revealing, your look needs to convince a client that they can trust you with their account. You cannot be promoting an organization’s brand when your own image is not looking so good.
wear your pencil  skirts and heels
Ladies yes I know that most of us can’t walk in heels; you can always look good in your pumps and dress no need to stress. Ladies and gentleman we are all going to be doing our internships next year, and we have to look good and professional. And I believe that this is how we will look for the rest of our careers. I think we all need to invest on this look.


  1. office wear, many do get this look completely wrong. the office is a place to show professionalism, so what you wear says a lot before you say the pencil skirts they show off a womens features without showing any skin.keeping it simple is the ultimate sophistication...

  2. non-verbal communication is how people percesive us so be careful what you wear

  3. What you is what you're perceived as. So first impressions really do count and it can play into your favour really well.

  4. the way you dress tells a lot about your personality and the kind of person you are. when you dress up you must look confident and comfortable as they say "you must look the part".

  5. Looking good makes one feel like a proffesional so i have to say that youre office look is the best

  6. True Khanyi! We need to dress our parts next year and look like the professionals we are!

  7. Dress code is realy important, couse first impression counts and tahnk for the reminder couse we tend to forget along the way

  8. I love the skirts more because you are able to wear them with many things.Inspire us sister us.

  9. Apparently, when you look good, you do good. I wish we could wear whatever to work. we are not what we wear. are we?

  10. It is important when working on a corporate world to represent your organisation, imagine wearing all untidy what about your stakeholders.

    1. People wont trust you or the organization you are representing.
