Friday, August 24, 2012



 Do it makes you look relaxed to the client

the sew in weave is a Do for the workplace, it makes women look indepent.

Hair contributes a lot to fashion and a woman's looks. a woman who loves herself, goes all out to make sure that her physical appearance is good. Beauty starts from the hair, just like an organization's good image starts from the employees. The past decade a lot of hairstyles have emerged, most of these hairstyles were inspired by celebrities. Some were good, some were bad and hilarious, but most women did them anyway.
The best hairstyles are known to be done by black women, since they do weaves. Some weaves are very bad for the workplace, not only the weaves are bad  their colors as well. today I would like to show you, the hair Do's and Dont's for the workplace.

Don't do this is, it so disturbing for the workplace
Don't this may look good but it may be disturbing for a client
Avoid doing hairstyles that cover half of your face, this might be very disturbing for a client. He/She probably wont trust you, with handling their account or delivering in time. How can you trust someone if you cant even see half of their face!

This is a Do, it makes you look organised
Women tend to over use color, the end up looking like clowns or someone who works in a circus. another thing that people should not over use is color. Women tend to over use color a lot. if you are going to use color, then go for something that matches your skin, it must not be too bright. The way we dress, talk and walk says alot about us, the same goes for our hair. You cannot do your hair like a 15 year old and expect adults to respect you and your organization or work. physical appearance starts from the head, so make sure that your head always looks nice and organised


  1. they say beaty starts at your hair, indeed i can see with these hair stylse.

    1. yes you need to make sure that your hair is always on point.

  2. khanyisile maphangaAugust 25, 2012 at 5:30 AM

    so true, image means alot in the working and public industry.

  3. well, this mainly applies to the african race, i must say i havent seen european women with funny, or inappropriate hair do's. let us face it, black people have a tendency to go over board with things. and hair is one of them. ladies ladies ladies, image in the corporate world is everything, representing an organisation is a vital role that women should play, and the appropriate hair do will say sophistication and professionalism. its a sad fact but true, we live in a material, appearance obsessed world and looking the part at work will make you feel comfortable and blend in. you do not have to show your diversity through hair styles that scream LOOK AT ME! but through the way you perform at work.

  4. Replies
    1. Wash it twice or once a week. you can do anything with your naatural hair, especially if its long.
